Sunday, September 2, 2012

DayZ Journal - Day 8- Bugs, Death and Rock and roll

DayZ Journal - Day 8- Bugs, Death and Rock and roll

I didn't feel like playing DayZ today with all the issues I that had the other day with me having to avoid hackers and wasting  a couple hours trying to find a Low Ping and Low Latency server.

But I digressed from my history and finally just bit the bullet and decided to log in. I didn't felt like playing on a populated server, so I had went to a recruit server that had no players. I rolled my eyes as I had found myself once again back at the starting point*. Cursing my bad luck yet again, I decided to journey to the airfield.

I had ran from Kamyshovo and was moving in a north-west direction until I made a detour to the magical barn of jolly rainbows and sprinkles.

As I crawled inside, I cheered as I found my favorite weapon, Winchester and it had two clips next to it. I happily threw away my deathtrap of a double barrel shotgun and eagerly killed a few zeds just to enjoy killing them for once.

I then left my honeymoon barn and went back into the mountain. Then the most weirdest shit had happen to me, I was running a long and this white dot appeared at the top of the mountain. Now, I had always played on the regular and Veteran servers, so I didn't know what the white dots were at that time.

As I climbed up a hill, I noticed a white dot, I would say it roughly was about 600 - 800 meters away from me, It was too far away for me to identify what it was. I stopped and quickly laid down and watched this weird white dot with huge concern as it ran around at horrific speeds from the left to the right then left again, as if it was almost dancing or taunting me. I pondered if the white dot is a player sensor and that I am watching a hacker using speed hacks or a possibly a player driving around in a vehicle doing donuts but I  then remembered that when I had joined this server twenty minutes ago, no other player was on this server. After watching this dot for over a minute, My curiosity had finally gotten the best of me and then I had slowly crouch-crawled up towards the dot with my faithful Winchester. After 10 minutes of slowly moving up the hill, Using trees as a shield as I kept my aim on the dot, I had finally discovered it to be..
A god damn rabbit. I had seriously spent all that time shitting enough bricks to build a 3 story condo with a chimney over a rabbit.

I stood there and watched the furry critter run around me, until it had finally stopped a few feet away from me. I fired at it to ease my nerves and frustration, All 3 shots had missed it target, even thought it was at point blank range, I then pulled out my pistol and unloaded an entire clip. Once again the rabbit ran off unharmed. I laughed at the sheer stupidity of the event and I had continued my mission for  NV goggles .

You know that saying "Shoot First, Ask Questions later". Well after what had happened next, I truly understood what that meaning meant now. My questions that I used was "Why the hell did I shoot?" and "Am I a total spastic?". Well I had found another magical barn of jolly rainbows and sprinkles and unicorns and entered in it again on my belly.

When I entered the barn, The first floor was empty of any useful items except an extra clip of Winchester ammo, so I crouch-walked my way to one of the stair case. As I was about to climb the stairs, a zed had suddenly spawned in front of me** and made a horrific roar, I reacted by firing my pistol at it. The zombie had dropped dead but all hell had broke loose outside, since there were a lot of zeds roaming around near the barn, I quickly moved up the stairs and watched as my guests came running.

I then introduced the zeds to my friend, Mr Winchester. After slaughtering about twelve of those gibbering fiends, I then switched to my pistol and fired full clip on the last zed as it climbed the stairs to me. The end result was i was unharmed but I had used one clip on my Winchester and two clips for my pistol. I cursed myself for wasting so many bullets, since I would most likely would need them when i get to the airfield.

After passing a few animals in the fields and avoiding towns, I had finally made it to my destination. As I entered the airfield, I had belly crawled through the south-west entrance of the airfield and made it to the barracks section. As I belly rubbed the floor towards the only building I can enter, a zed had discovered me and raised the alarm. I changed my movement from crawling into the walk-crouch and and ran inside.

I checked the contents of the building quickly and found a crappy shot gun on the floor and some sodas. I grabbed the shotgun (not wanting to waste my Winchester ammo first), I listened to the sounds of the once quiet barracks now filled with ghouls feet as they ran to my safe house. I focused my shotgun at the only entrance and exit of the building. When the first one walked in, I fired at it's head, It collapsed onto the floor with out a fight. I continued to fire when another zed shown it's face, until I had killed about ten more. At one point I was almost was overwhelmed by them. Some ghouls were crawling in and was blending in with the corpses. Luckily I saw them at the last second and I  took a few steps back to stay out of their grabbing range and fired at them.

My shotgun ran dry of shotgun shells, so threw it on the floor and reclaimed my trusty Winchester and continued my turtle defense***.

They kept coming, Military, Police, Civilians with all shades of gray all arrived shouting and gibbering.

I groaned in disappointment as more infected had piled in through the door way. I wondered to myself again where are they all coming from. Some of the ghouls were just standing outside and was staring at me through the window, drooling like they were window shopping at the mall (store). I suspected that the ghouls looking at me through windows were just causing more infected to take notice of what is going on like seagulls call for their friends when they get scrap food from humans.

They still kept piling in through the door and I was forced again to take a few steps backward to give myself some leeway to reload. The entranced of the building was now completely filled with dead bodies. The undead swarm was finally had dwindled down two stragglers, where they met their end with my pistol.

The tally was, 37 killed. I had wasted every bullet from my Winchester and my shotgun and only have 4 bullets left in my pistol. As I exited the building, I admired my handy work but then snapped back to reality, I had a feeling more infected would come or even worse, re-spawn near by me, so I headed the other side of the airfield where the plane bunkers on the north-east side of the airfield.

After spending a fruitless time checking each bunker and coming out empty, I moved to wards the radar tower. I went inside, I didn't find any thing so i decided to go upstairs to see any thing else I could use. As I went up the third floor,  I had fell through the stairs and went through the building under I hit the ground and looked up at the sky as I slowly bled to death. I swore and threatened to my toon to not die since I had enough meat and bandages to heal myself. At 150 blood, My egg timer had stopped and I tried to bandaged myself but I found myself stairing at my favourite screen.

*I did found out that if you join a server that has a slightly older version of the DayZ add-on on their server your toon does get thrown back at the start, die or

** There is a bug where zombies have issues spawning in barns or their pathing script is messed up that they suffer from collision where they warp back and through between two places.

***Turtle Defense Is used in games where players would lock themselves up to protect themselves from attack, This style is normally used in capture the flag.

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