Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DayZ - Day 6 - Welcome to the debug zone, it isn't all fun and games.

DayZ - Day 6 - Welcome to the debug zone, it isn't all fun and games.

I logged in a typical server that had the player count of seven. I headed west while sticking to the shrubs but keeping close to the road.  I noticed that the Zed count was low, 20 were dead on my debug info. I edged around the forest and checked out the small town.

After five minutes of scouting and not finding any survivors or bandits, I went in. As my routine behavior, I kept an ear and eye out but I found nothing. I arrived to the entrance of the barn and did a quick 180 to see any threat before going inside. A few zombies in the field but all was clear. As i slowly moved into the barn, I suddenly paused to see bandit facing away from me and was aiming at the other entrance with a rifle and looked as if he was waiting for some one. I looked briefly past him and saw a dead survivor.

I aimed my pistol and inched close, tapping my keyboard to not make any noise, until i saw the hairs of the back of his neck. I aimed my pistol at the back of his skull and he didn't even stir. I wondered if he was away from keyboard since he didn't even move. Just before I pulled the trigger, I said to him "Go to the light" and unloaded my entire clip before he could turn to shoot me.

He collapsed to the floor but he didn't die, he was shaking on the floor, I reloaded and fired another clip until he stopped moving. As I went to check my bounty from his corpse, I kind of wish I could of said a better one liner. Before I could take his food and weapons, I was kicked by the admin of the server.  

Yep, the admin of the server was the bandit and was not pleased that I had him.

It didn't bother me too much and I didn't go back to the server. Most likely he ranting about how I snuck up to him and killed him. So I went to another server where I found my self not at barn any more and I didn't spawn at the beach. I was placed in a place that only had grass and sky. Welcome to the debug zone. It took me an hour with the compass to get out. By then I had enough and camped for the night.

Below is a video of another victum who had the same problem.

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