Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dayz - Day 5, The battle for Mogilevka Part 1.


DayZ - Day 5, The battle for Mogilevka Part 1.

After my first honorable death, I had restarted at the beach in Chernogorsk. I instantly crouched and then scanned the area for Zeds and other survivors. I then notice a church very close by. I quickly ran-crouched towards the church, half crab walking, half sprinting, while keeping my head on a swivel. Once I was inside the church I had a czech backpack, food, a full drinking flask, compass, Binoculars and a gutting knife and a pistol with ammo.

Pleased with my bounty, I quickly fled the city. I was surprised that didn't hear or see any Zeds at all, I had a feeling there were other humans in the city that may of cleared the area out. As I was heading into the mountain, I heard a pistol fire from behind. I quickly ran and hid in a bush near by, Praying that the bullets were not for me. After a few seconds of not spotting the shooter pursuing me, I decided to scan the area with my Binoculars.

A few seconds past until I had found the source of the gun fire, The fight was lose to the beach where I had spawned, There was a bandit fighting a Hero (Survivor that helps players), both using their pistols in the open field. I watched with mild fascination that they both seem to have terrible skill at aiming since both of them had to reload a few times and neither looked harmed. Then the hero finally shot  the bandit, blood spewed out from his shoulder. The bandit then backpedaled behind a fence. A moment later he came back out bandaged and resumed the fight.

The gun fight felt like it was taking forever but it has only been going for just under two minutes. I wondered to myself how long until one of these idiots would win the fight or would both of them would run out of ammo. Then I wondered if I should go back and kill the victor or help take down the bandit.

After another minute past where they both yet again had to reload as they danced around firing at each other until the inevitable had happened, It was the reason why I didn't head back. A ape zombie (A zed who walk on all fours) had spotted the survivor who was running behind a fence as the bandit followed.

By the time the ape zombie had charged, Five Infected joined the battle. Two of the zombies had went after the Bandit and the rest was charging to the survivor. The survivor stood his ground and was able to take down a single Zombie but at a cost of using an entire clip. The Bandit had then decided to flee through the city. The hero followed the same idea but ran off to the opposite direction.

The entertainment was over and I decided to head North-West and leave the pointless slaughter to the other survivors.

To be continued.

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