Thursday, August 30, 2012

DayZ: How To transfer backpacks with out losing your stuff.

                 How to transfer Items safely between pack packs

This is one of the most annoying thing in Arma 2/DayZ is when you had found a sweet backpack that is an upgrade (has more slots) you picked it up and opened the bag, you find out that all your items in your previous bag are gone.
Warning: This technique can be dangerous when you are transferring inventory items can be time consuming and leaves you vulnerable to other players or zombies.

1. Let's assume that your mouse button layout is default and you are wearing a Coyote Patrol Pack and you just found an Alice Pack on the floor.
2. Walk to the bag (almost on top of item) until you see a green rifle icon with arrows around it appear on the center of the screen,
3. Move your mouse wheel up or down and press the middle button on "open Alice Pack"
2. Now left click on your Coyote Patrol Pack and press open bag.
3. Move each item by clicking the left side of the item you wish to transfer to the Alice pack.

On the right side with the number means how many are currently in your Coyote Patrol Pack.

    <- Shoe. 1 ->

When you left click the arrow on the left, the item now will be in your Alice Pack.

<- 1 Shoe  ->

4. Once done transfering, Exit out of inventory inventory screen.
5. Roll mouse and select take Alice Pack, Your Cotoyte Patrol pack (and any items inside) will be destroyed and Alive Pack will take it's place.
6. If you can not pick up the new bag, Pick up trash around it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day Journal - Day 7 - hackers, Night time, the long mile.,  Journal Day 7 - hackers, Night time and the long travel.

Playing DayZ is like trying to hug on coming traffic on the highway. Each day you go through a lot of torture and boredom and hope you get the pay load. Kind of like Marriage actually.

I do not own Night Vision Goggles, I would LOVE to have night vision goggles since my collection is almost completed of tools (I am missing Tool Box, GPS and Pick Axe). With out NV goggles I can't play in night time servers, Oh, I could use a flash light or throw flares or hang near the beach but I might as well walk around with bright neon lights all over my body with a giant cross on it with all the NV goggled players waiting.

After spending over an hour to find a server that had good ping and was not a night time server, finally found a server that was daylight. By the time I finished loading into the game, part of Chernogorsk blew up in a big red ball of fire. I watched for a few minutes, I marveled at beauty of the destruction as the bright yellow flame erupt from the ground and bits of metal flying every where, The ground vibrated again as another explosion was closer to me exploded, Luckily it was not enough to harm me. I walked backwards and was planning to leg it as another building was blown up. Players in Cherno was being killed left and right with their names being broad casted. Finally a player yelled in global chat "FU HACKER HES NUKING". By time I was safe in the forest, I was then placed in a field with five other survivors. Soon as I saw that I was in the debug forest, i then hit escape and exited the server for I knew what was going to happen next as I have seen many videos on youtube where players got summoned and then killed by the hacker.

Another twenty minutes of Server searching, I had finally found one that was playing with day light. As a bonus it had zero players. I spawned in game but this time I was in Balota. My goal was to get NV goggles to end this pointless daylight server searching. There was only two places that you can get the goggles, The AirField.

As I traveled north, I avoided towns all together. I did not want to delay my travel time since I had enough food and drink and ammo. As I was traveling I noticed people had joined my server because people were dying left and right in the chat window. I had very little issues when i was heading north for about 45 minutes until I had heard a famous sound byte played right behind me.

The predators clicking.
I didn't have my screen shot program but but this is the same skin.
I knew it was either two things. A player pulling prank on me as i past him (but I knew it wasn't true) or a hacker was invisible and was using physiology on me. I kept running, Trying to ignore it. He spawned in front of me. I stopped. He was wearing a Jason skin and stood there. I hit esc and the bastard had taken my abort button away.

I decided to Alt Ctrl Del and quickly shut down my game.

Random potato quote of the week 2

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DayZ - How It Works: Your Inventory System.

DayZ - How It Works: Your Inventory System.

The inventory system in Arma 2 is one of the most complex system that I have ever seen for a first person shooter. With all the guides out there, I had not found one that gave decent picture examples of how it works.

The picture on the right shows an inventory screen. If you just started it looks like he has Six slots for items but he is actually full. Let's do a breakdown.

(Note: This is not my character, He just got all the cool kid stuff).

Primary Inventory:

The Picture on your left that shows 12 slots is your primary. The primary inventory is fast use items, Such as ammo for your primary weapon or to eat food or drink while on the move.

If your inventory is full and you pick up an item, you will drop an item that you have in your Primary on the floor (One for One deal). So always make room or Place it into your bag (see below).

What Primary Inventory hold is:

1. Primary weapons ammo (such as Rifles, Machine Guns, Shotguns). (Takes 1 slot)

2. It also hold Empty Cans ( Takes 1 Slot)

3. Food  (Takes 1 slot)

4. Firewood (takes two slots),

5. Heating pads (Takes 1 slot),

6. Blood Transfusions (Takes 1 slot),

7. Drinking Canteen (Takes 1 slot),

8. Painpills (Takes 1 slot),

9. Road flares (Takes 1 slot),

10. Morphine (Takes 1 slot)

11. Fuel Tank Parts (takes 4 slots)

12. Chemlight (Takes 1 slot)

13. Jerry Can (Takes 3 slots)  

14. Tent (Takes 2 Slots)                                          

15. Engine Parts (takes 6 slots)                               

16. Blood Transfusion (Takes 1 slot)                       
17. Sandbags (unknown)

18. Tank Trap Kit (Takes 1 slot)

19. TentsWire Fencing Kit (Takes 1 slot)

20. Bear Trap (Takes 1 Slot)

21. Main Rotary Parts (Takes 6 slots)

22. Scrap Metal (Takes 3 slots)

23. Wheel (Takes 6 slots)

24. Windscreen Glass (takes 2 slots)

25. Satchel Charge (takes 2 slots)

26. Grenade (takes 1 slot)

Back pack:

Backpacks are your storage device, What ever you have stored in there, you can not use what is in the bag, unless you transferred to your primary inventory/Side arm inventory. So for example the player has M4A3 CCO as his primary weapon. If he had all his ammo (30Rnd. STANAG) in his bag, then he can not reload. There are different size bags in the game but I am not going to jump into it.

To access your backpack you need to left click the back pack icon and click open bag.

NOTE: When looting items, It will not automatically place it in your backpack.

Now look at the picture above and you can see the top left side (under the word "gear") that has the name ALICE Pack (0/20). What has happened is that the bag is now opened. ALICE Pack (0/20) Means that the backpack is called Alice and has 20 slots but it is full. The left number is how many slots available while the right is how many slots total it can carry.

So the items on the left side is what is in the bag and the items on the right side is what is in the primary inventory, Side arm slots, Equipment (Tools) and primary and Sidearm weapon slots.

What Backpacks can carry (depending on size of bag) is:

1. Primary weapons ammo (such as Rifles, Machine Guns, Shotguns). (Takes 1 slot)

2. It also hold Empty Cans ( Takes 1 Slot)

3. Food  (Takes 1 slot)

4. Firewood (takes two slots),

5. Heating pads (Takes 1 slot),

6. Blood Transfusions (Takes 1 slot),

7. Drinking Canteen (Takes 1 slot),

8. Painpills (Takes 1 slot),

9. Road flares (Takes 1 slot),

10. Morphine (Takes 1 slot)

11. Fuel Tank Parts (takes 4 slots)

12. Chemlight (Takes 1 slot)

13. Jerry Can (Takes 3 slots)  

14. Tent (Takes 2 Slots)                                          

15. Engine Parts (takes 6 slots)                               

16. Blood Transfusion (Takes 1 slot)                       
17. Sandbags (unknown)

18. Tank Trap Kit (Takes 1 slot)

19. TentsWire Fencing Kit (Takes 1 slot)

20. Bear Trap (Takes 1 Slot)

21. Main Rotary Parts (Takes 6 slots)

22. Scrap Metal (Takes 3 slots)

23. Wheel (Takes 6 slots)

24. Windscreen Glass (takes 2 slots)

25. Satchel Charge (takes 2 slots)

26. Grenade (takes 1 slot)

27. Hatchet (Takes 1 slot)

28. GPS (takes 1 slot)

29. Maps (takes 1 slot)

30. Crowbar (takes  slot)

31. Binoculars/Range Finder (takes 1 slot)

32. Hunting Knife (takes 1 slot)

33. Box of matches (takes 1 slot)

34. Watch (takes 1 slot)

35. Tool box (takes 1 slot)

36. Flash Light (takes 1 slot)

37. Military Flash Light (takes 1 slot)

38. Entrenching Tool(takes 1 slot)

39. Ghillie Suit. (takes 1 slot)

40. Pistols (takes 4 slots)

41. Shotguns/Rifles (takes 10 slots)

Side Arm:
Side arm slots is where your pistol and bandages are stored. Pistol ammo/Bandages will not store in your primary inventory if you over loot. Your Side arm weapon can use a flash light but you have to find room in your inventory or backpack to store your pistol.
Side arm only stores:

1. Pistol ammo (Takes 1 slot)

2. Bandages (Takes 1 slot)

 Tools slot:

As it states tool slot stores your tools of 1 item. Compass, Matches, Hunting Knife, Hatchet, Map, GPS, Toolbox, Watch, Military Flash light, Flashlight, Entrenching tool. All these take 1 slot. If you have a duplicate it goes to Primary Inventory.

When looting it (and is not a duplicate) it will go into your Tools slot automatically.

head Equipment.

Sadly i didn't block out the items for this but next to the head you see two items. Binoculars and infrared goggles.

Soon as you loot them it goes to that slot instantly. this does not take up your primary inventory unless looted duplicates.

Dayz - I found this video on youtube.

DayZ - Day 6 - Welcome to the debug zone, it isn't all fun and games.

DayZ - Day 6 - Welcome to the debug zone, it isn't all fun and games.

I logged in a typical server that had the player count of seven. I headed west while sticking to the shrubs but keeping close to the road.  I noticed that the Zed count was low, 20 were dead on my debug info. I edged around the forest and checked out the small town.

After five minutes of scouting and not finding any survivors or bandits, I went in. As my routine behavior, I kept an ear and eye out but I found nothing. I arrived to the entrance of the barn and did a quick 180 to see any threat before going inside. A few zombies in the field but all was clear. As i slowly moved into the barn, I suddenly paused to see bandit facing away from me and was aiming at the other entrance with a rifle and looked as if he was waiting for some one. I looked briefly past him and saw a dead survivor.

I aimed my pistol and inched close, tapping my keyboard to not make any noise, until i saw the hairs of the back of his neck. I aimed my pistol at the back of his skull and he didn't even stir. I wondered if he was away from keyboard since he didn't even move. Just before I pulled the trigger, I said to him "Go to the light" and unloaded my entire clip before he could turn to shoot me.

He collapsed to the floor but he didn't die, he was shaking on the floor, I reloaded and fired another clip until he stopped moving. As I went to check my bounty from his corpse, I kind of wish I could of said a better one liner. Before I could take his food and weapons, I was kicked by the admin of the server.  

Yep, the admin of the server was the bandit and was not pleased that I had him.

It didn't bother me too much and I didn't go back to the server. Most likely he ranting about how I snuck up to him and killed him. So I went to another server where I found my self not at barn any more and I didn't spawn at the beach. I was placed in a place that only had grass and sky. Welcome to the debug zone. It took me an hour with the compass to get out. By then I had enough and camped for the night.

Below is a video of another victum who had the same problem.